Thursday 22 November 2007

Swimmers throw abuse at injured servicemen in pool

How can they sink so low? "Servicemen from Headley Court rehabilitation centre near Leatherhead were about to begin their weekly swim at Leatherhead Leisure Centre, which helps with their therapy, when they were verbally abused by a group of regular swimmers" reported the Leatherhead Advertiser on November 21st.

Apparently a number of regulars objected to them using a roped off area of the pool claiming that they paid to use it and should have prority. The leader of the Headley Court party withdrew the group from the pool to avoid further confrontation. It would have been gratifying to hear that the Leisure Centre staff had told the men to get back in and banned the complainers from using the Centre again but this is England 2007 - the reaction was supine and clearly the complainers felt vindicated.............if ever there was a justification for a tabloid "name and shame" this must be it.......

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