Thursday 1 February 2007


Much as I believe that MacMillan was greatly overrated as PM I must raise a glass to him for fooling that reptile Guy Burgess into thinking he would be arrested if he returned to the UK (when in actual fact there might not have been enough evidence to convict him). The upshot was that Burgess remained in Moscow – which he came to hate (excellent!) – and consumed even more alcohol, leading to his death in 1963. Clearly if he had returned he would have been lauded by the left, become part of the Sixties scene and ended up as Sir Guy with his own TV show and a column in the Grauniad…… so hat tip to The DT……

1 comment:

sallie parker said...

Guy Burgess would have been a hundred times better than Eric Hobsbawm or whatever it is, and others of his ilk.