Thursday 25 January 2007


There were a few eyebrows raised over the recent BBC Bradford "Cripple" story when the Beeb made much of comments made by a "Tory activist" in a private e mail. This was partly, I suppose because of the weight given to it both on the website and on Newsnight and also the heavy emphasis on the fact that it was from a "Tory".
Now being a fair minded chap I just wanted to compare and contrast how the BBC treated the "Donnygate" affair where the police uncovered large scale corruption involving the Labour controlled Doncaster City Council, described even by
The Guardian as the biggest local authority corruption scandal since the see here how the case was finally reported by our beloved and unbiased beeboids.............clearly the Guardian was mistaken, the Councillors had no party affiliation......unlike the wicked Lady Porter at Westminster...

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